My work   |   Sideprojects & Talks   |   Resume
Talks Community work:
  • GDG Zagreb co-organiser/organiser - Helped run Google Developers Group, ran & organised workshops, talks and drinkups.
  • GDG Devfest Croatia 2018 organiser - Helped organise first Croatian GDG Devfest conference in 2018
  • Android Meetup Group founder - founded first Android meetup group in Croatia, running from 2014 to 2017. We grew the group to over 200 members, but unfortunately had to shut it down due to multiple company-sponsored meetup groups
  • Bookie - Chromium extension using GPT-3 to sort your tabs & bookmarks.
    Frontend JS, backend Rust.(WIP) | Github JS | Github RS
  • Unikons - Annotation processor to add Unions to Kotlin. Abandoned after KSP was introduced. | Github
2020 - 2023 | Lotus Lambda | Founder & Developer

Decided to start a startup, so wore many hats at once:

> Click to see more about Lotus Lambda
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Lotus Lambda is a development language & platform, enabling you to develop cross-platform apps that run as native. But Lotus is more than just another framework - it is also a platform.
With Lotus platform you can:

  • Stream your apps, avoiding the long updates
  • Prototype rapidly with local streaming & app sharing
  • Develop using any language you want - write your UI in lotus and your logic using JS, Python, Rust or any language of your choice
  • Develop, design and deploy your app online using Lotus UI editor or locally using lotus-cli
  • Manage your app's styles, assets & translations without updating
  • Discover more in the docs
  • Or check out our Lotus CLI github

2019 - 2023 | Consulting & Contracting | Rust, LLMs, Kotlin, Android
Worked on a few projects, some in collaboration with an agency during this time:

2017 - 2020 | Undabot  | Software architect x Android developer

A software agency from Croatia, considered by Clutch to be one of top 1% B2B agencies. Spent time working on a lot of apps, giving a lot of talks, grew into the Architect position, did a lot of both code writing, standardising, optimising and a lot of writing specifications, proposals, some pitching and a lot of whiteboarding. Fell in love with staff engineering - building tools like project generators, CI/CD automations, build optimisations and more.
Some apps worked on: (click name to see more)
Some cool achievements:

2015 - 2017 |  | Lead Android Developer
It seemed a fun idea to join a startup - and damn it was!
It was a small startup called Superpopcorn (previously Cinexio) - counting like 8 people at the time, building an app that allows you to buy movie tickets for all the movie theaters in one place. I joined in as an Android developer, inheriting a legacy Java codebase, rewrote the app into something beautiful and smooth - with even Google Play selecting us in their Editor's choice and New & Updated categories. As the team grew, so did my responsibilities - from being just a developer, to interviewing new candidates, leading the team, setting dev standards, collaborating closely with designer, PO & CEO on brainstorming new features, analysing data, prototyping and more.

Did some really cool stuff here:

The adventure ended in an acqui-hire by Stroer Media Brands, rebranding us into what is now known as Soon after, the product team turned into an internal agency, known today as "Stroer Media Brands Apps division".

2014 - 2015 | Infinum | Android Developer
Joined the agency at around 30 employees, worked on over a dozen of apps (from startup apps to enterprise apps), held internal talks, tested new technologies, rewrote some legacy codebases and most had a lot of fun - the company grew to about a 100 people that year. Unfortunately, most of those apps I worked on at the time are either gone from the play store or have been reworked so much they're unrecognizable.